Product Code – Assign a code to the product.
Description – The description of the product code.
Margin – The lowest margin that this product code should be sold for. If the user sells for less than this margin, the sales order line margin will appear in red. Optionally, a message can pop up to the user if they sell below this margin. Setup the message in Company Settings/Sales Orders/Messages/Message. It can be set to pop up on a sales order and/or POS. The user can choose to accept the price or edit it.
Surcharge – The surcharge is calculated based on the percentage put onto the inventory product code. It can be overridden by the user.
Dept – The sales department that is usually connected with this product code. If there is a sales department added here, and the user changes the sales dept of an item, they will be prompted if they want to change the product code to match.
User Defined – User defined fields can be added to track and/or print. (Spire UDF license required)