On Sales Orders and drop-ships to customers on Purchase Orders, a Shipping Method can be assigned for calculating Freight Charges and tracking the shipment online. You can open the list of shipping methods from the Edit menu.
Code – An alphanumeric code of up to 10 digits.
Description – Description of the shipping method.
Tracking URL – Access a hyperlink to the online shipment within sales orders, with the URL link determined from a combination of the website URL root here and the tracking number on the order.
Method – How to calculate the freight fee.
- Prompt – User fills in the Freight amount on each order, rather than automatically calculate it.
- Fixed – A specific Freight amount determined from the Sales Order subtotal. The minimum amount is charged when the subtotal is less than the Orders Below threshold, and the maximum amount is charged when the subtotal is equal to or greater than the Orders Below threshold.
- Rate – A calculated Freight amount determined from the Sales Order subtotal times the Percentage Charge. The Freight amount will equal the Minimum Charge when the calculation is less than this, or equal to the Maximum Charge when the calculation exceeds this. If the subtotal is greater than the Orders Below threshold, no Freight is charged.
Threshold – When using the Rate method, sales orders greater than this amount will have a freight value of zero. When using the Fixed amount, sales orders less than this amount will be charged freight equal to the min charge, and orders greater than this amount will be charged freight equal to the max charge.
Rate – Percentage to charge for freight when the Rate method is used.
Min Charge – The minimum to charge for freight when the Rate method is used, unless the sales order exceeds the threshold. Or the amount to charge for freight when the Fixed method is used and the sales order is below the threshold.
Max Charge – The maximum to charge for freight when the Rate method is used. Or the amount to charge for freight when the Fixed method is used and the sales order exceeds the threshold.
Communications – Any number of notes specific to the selected shipping method.
User Defined – User defined fields can be added to track and/or print. (Spire UDF license required)
Integrations – Related to third party add-ons. More details about integrations