Type – Hard coded with ‘Payment.

Vendor – If done from inside AP for an existing vendor, this will be the vendors code and it is not editable.

Date – Date for the payment that will be printed on the cheque

Print Check – Each vendor has a field for if a printed check is used for them, however the user can override this. If selected, a check will be printed using the check number displayed.

Cheque no. – The cheque number. This field is alpha numeric so if the payment is done electronically the user can enter something like ‘Online’ or ‘EFT’

Transaction no. – The assumed GL transaction number. If another transaction is posted after this number is assigned, then the transaction will be given the next available number.

Payment Account – Select the bank account for this payment. Uses the default account set in Company Settings/Special Accounts.

Memo – A memo can be added for this payment.

Transaction Number – The GL transaction number from the amount of the AP transaction.

Terms Code – The terms code that was used for the amount

Terms Description – The terms description that was used for the amount

Balance – The balance of the transaction

Pay Amount – User can override this and the invoice will get partially paid have the payment linked to the amount.

Discount Amount – The discount amount. This is calculated by the terms but can be edited before posting.

Discount % – The discount % being offered.

Take Discount – Check to give the discount. Amounts that fall within terms will automatically be checked but user can override.

Total – The amount being paid. It is the sum of the transactions selected for payment.

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