Product Code – Assign a code to the product.

Description – The description of the product code.

Margin – The lowest margin that this product code should be sold for. If the user sells for less than this margin, the sales order line margin will appear in red. A message can be set up to notify the user they are selling below margin. This message is set up in Company Settings/Sales Orders/Messages/Message. It can be set to pop up on a sales order and/or POS. The user can choose to accept the price or edit it.

Surcharge – The surcharge is calculated based on the percentage put onto the inventory product code. It can be overridden by the user.

Sales Dept – The sales department that is usually connected with this product code. If there is a sales department added here, and the user changes the sales dept of an item, they will be prompted if they want to change the product code to match.

Sales Tax Provider Code

User Defined – User defined fields can be added to track and/or print. (Spire UDF license required)

Integrations – Related to third party add-ons. For more details

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