Type – Hard coded with “Payment”.
Customer – If done from inside AR for an existing customer this will be the customer’s code and it is not editable.
Date – Date for the payment.
Terms – Grayed out for payments
Transaction – The assumed GL transaction number. If another transaction is posted after this number is assigned, then the transaction will be given the next available number.
Reference – Usually the customers check number or if paid by credit card the user can enter Mastercard or Visa.
Bank Account – Selects the back account for this payment. Uses the default account set in Company Settings/Special Accounts.
Memo – A memo can be added for this payment.
Post automatically – If checked then the journal entry will be posted without the user editing it. If un-checked then the user will be given the opportunity to edit it before posting. The ability to edit the posting is a user security setting in Users/General
Total – The amount being paid. It is the sum of the transactions selected for payment, but the user can override the total and the partial payment will be applied..