Production Order list

Refresh – Refreshes the list of production orders for changes that others have made.
Filters – Sets filters to see just the production orders required.
Search – Enter the word(s) to find info from the header or details of production orders.
Export – Exports the filtered list to Excel or .csv.
Add – Create a new Production Order, where selecting the item to build will use a default template for components, if one exists.
Edit – Edits a Production Order
Delete – Deletes the highlighted production order(s). Any Committed component item quantities will be restored to Available.
Print – Opens the report window to print either the Production Order, Material Requirements or Production Schedule reports.
Copy – Create a new production order based on the highlighted order.

Build – Builds selected Production Order(s) to receive the finished product using the total component cost, and relieves the components from inventory.

Requisition – When not enough component items are in stock to fulfill Production orders, you can create a requisition for a purchase order to buy that stock.

Copy – Copies a Production Order to a new one.

Pull From Template – Pulls details from the template from which the production order(s) were derived. This is useful to update the production order if the template has been edited.

Next Status – Moves the selected production order to the next status, from Open to Pending to In Progress.

Next Phase – Moves the production order to the next phase, if User Security allows, based on the custom phase sequence set up for production.

Grid columns

Order No – The sequence number assigned to the production order. It gets the next sequence from Company Settings/Sequence numbers.

Customer No – The customer that this production order is for. It can be added manually, from sales orders when a user requisitions a manufactured item, or from a production template.

Name – The name of the customer the production order is for.

Warehouse – The warehouse where the item will be ‘Built’ into.

Part Number – The manufactured item being built. Only one item can be manufactured for each production order.

Description – The description of the item that will be built.

Required Qty – The number of units that need to be built for this order, which can be determined from a requisition value or edited manually.

Built Qty – The number of units that have been built so far.

Remaining Qty – How many manufactured items are still left to build.

Order Date – The date that this production order was created. It can be edited if necessary.

Reqd. Date – The date that this production order needs to be completed by. This date is either added manually or will come from the required date of the source sales order requisition.

Status – Production orders can have one of the following three statuses:

  • Open – This means the components of this production order are not yet committed in inventory.
  • Pending – The components are now committed and this usually means that production has not yet started.
  • In Progress – The components are committed and the work is now in progress.

Priority – Choose from one of 5 values, from Highest to Lowest, so that you could sort or filter the list to see the most important ones.

Phase – If you use phases, you can manually assign this production order status or increment it to the next phase in the sequence from the toolbar button.

Phase Date – The date that this production order was assigned the current phase.

Sales Order No. – The sales order number that this production order is from. This can be manually selected or come from sales order requisitions.

PO Number – The customers purchase order number from a requisitioned sales order.

Reference No – An alphanumeric value you can use for any identification or selection / sorting purpose.

Created – The date and time when the production order was created.

Created By – The initials of the user that created this production order.

Modified – The date and time when the production order was last changed and saved.

Modified By – The initials of the user that last changed and saved this production order.

Template No – The production template number associated with the item on this order. If blank, the item was added manually to the order and no template exists. A production order can be copied to a template for later use.


From the Orders toolbar, you can access the list of Production Order reports, for either selected or all orders.

Materials Requirements by Inventory – Prints a list of component inventory items and the respective selected production orders they are found on. Required component quantities are totaled and indicated where stock is low or depleted.

Production Order – Prints the list of component items and their respective quantities and costs, required to build the specified quantity of the Manufactured inventory item.

Production Schedule – Prints the list of selected production orders, sorted and grouped by Required Date.

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