There are 6 sub-tabs under the Production tab, and each displays a list of transactions or records related to the production of this item, or for the use of this component item on produced goods.

The Orders and Order Items tabs list Open Production orders that contain this item.
The Templates and Template Items tabs list pre-defined configurations on how to produce an item that contains this item.
The History and History Items tabs list previous production orders that contain this item.

The Orders, Templates and History tabs are lists that display records where this item is being manufactured in the Production order.

Each of these tabs have a reports toolbar button from where you can print specific reports based on orders, templates or history for this manufactured item.

Materials Requirements by Inventory – Prints a list of component inventory items and the respective selected production orders they are found on. Required component quantities are totaled and indicated where stock is low or depleted.

Production Order – Prints the list of component items and their respective quantities and costs, required to build the specified quantity of the Manufactured inventory item.

Production Schedule – Prints the list of selected production orders, sorted and grouped by Required Date.

Production Template – Prints the list of component items and their respective quantities and costs, required to build the specified quantity of the Manufactured inventory item.

Production Build – Prints the list of component items and their respective quantities and costs, used to build the specified quantity of the Manufactured inventory item.

Items as Components

The Order Items, Template Items and History Items tabs are lists that display records where this item is a component item being consumed in the Production order. The Template Items list also has columns for the Finished Goods warehouse and part number to see at a glance which manufactured items this component belongs to.

On all sub-tabs, you can highlight a record in the grid and view the production order or template it belongs to. And from all tabs except the historical tabs, you can create new records, edit existing records, or perform other processing steps such as Building a production order or changing the Status or Phase.

Read the Production Manager manual topic for more information.

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