In the Employees section, you will assign permissions this user will be able to view, modify or export.

Access Employees – Allows opening the employee list tab within the Payroll module.

Add Employees – This setting allows the user to add new employees

Edit Employee – This setting allows the user to edit existing employees

Delete Employees – This setting allows the user to delete employees. You will be prevented from deleting employees if amounts such as vacation pay are still owed.

View Employee Communications – Allows the user to open the Communications tab when editing an employee record.

Edit Employee Communications – Allows the user to add or edit employee notes. If disabled then employee notes can only be viewed.

Export Employee Communications – Allows the user to export the contents of the Communications grid for the employee to an external file.

Manage Bank Account Information – Can access and edit employee direct deposit bank account on the Details tab. New users without the Admin setting will have this option disabled by default.

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