Email templates can be used throughout Spire for sending email merges with customers and vendors and transactions. A template can be setup so that you do not have to type the email subject and body each time it is sent. Some of the merge fields can also be used to merge into the email.

Insert Param – You can insert merge fields from a pre-defined list into the template Subject or Body, so that you can include information from the company data in the email.

Template Name – Meaningful name for the template, which is used when selecting a template for emailing forms.

Subject – The subject text that will used for received emails. If any merge fields are defined, they will be translated from relevant data when emails are generated and sent.

Type – This template can be associated with a particular report source, so that when forms or reports are emailed from that source, in combination with the Default setting, this template can be automatically selected.

Default – When forms or reports are emailed from the Type source as selected above, this template will automatically be loaded. Only one template for each Type can be set as a default.

Template Visibility – Choose from either Shared Template or Personal Template, where shared templates are available for selection by all users

Body – The contents of the email. If any merge fields are defined, they will be translated from relevant data when emails are generated and sent.

You could send a Plain Text email, but you can also use Rich Text for all the formatting you would expect to be available when emailing. Hyperlinks can also be included in the email body, such as for a web page, or a tracking link for a shipment when emailing a sales order.

The Raw HTML can be used to create a Rich Text layout, and allow you to do extra things such as include an image in the email body.

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