Access Budgets & Forecasts ― Allows the user to access the Budgets and Forecasts module.

Access General Ledger ― Allows the user to access the General Ledger module.

Alert Recurring Entries ― If there are recurring entries defined and they are due to be posted, when the user opens this company they will be presented with the list and can review and post them.

Browse General Ledger History ― Permits the user to drill down into transactions for historical fiscal years from the History tab when editing an account. When this option is disabled, the user can still access the History tab and drill down to the period net changes screen, but not the Transactions.

Delete Account ― Sets the permission for the user to delete accounts. Even with security rights, you cannot delete an account that has posted transactions.

Edit General Ledger Account Communications ― Allows the user to add or edit general ledger account notes.

Edit Transaction Communications ― Provides the user with the permission to edit journal entry notes.

Export General Ledger Account Communications ― Allows the user to export general ledger account notes.

Export Transaction Communications ― provides the user with the permission to export journal entry notes.

Export Transactions ― Allows the user to export journal entries in the general ledger.

Manage Bank Information ― Allows access to the EFT Settings tab when editing a ledger account defined as a bank account. New users without the Admin setting will have this option disabled by default.

Modify Account ― Sets the permission for the user to modify accounts.

Modify Inactive ― Allows the user to change the Inactive status when editing accounts.

Perform Year End ― Provides permission for the user to access the Year End process from the Tools top menu.

Reverse Transaction ― Sets the permission for the user to reverse journal entries.

Update Budgets and Forecasts – Give access to the Update process to change multiple Budget or Forecast amounts at once.

View Account ― Sets the permission for the user to view accounts.

View General Ledger Account Balances ― Permits the user to view general ledger account balances.

View General Ledger Account Communications ― allows the user to view general ledger account notes.

View transaction ― Sets the permission for the user to view journal entries.

View Transaction Communications ― Provides the user with the permission to view journal entry notes.

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