Product codes are assigned to items, in order to specify desired sales margins and calculating surcharge amounts. You can open the list of product codes from the top Inventory menu.

Product Code – An alphanumeric code up to 10 characters.

Description – The name of the product code.

Margin – The lowest margin that this product code should be sold for. If the user sells for less than this margin, the sales order line Average Margin % will appear in red. A message can be set up to warn the user they are selling below margin, from Company Settings/Sales Orders/Messages/Message. This warning appears on sales orders or POS when the mouse hovers over the unit price field that contains a yellow warning triangle.

Surcharge – A percentage of the Inventory item amount that gets calculated to increment the total surcharge amount on sales orders. This total surcharge falls within an allowed range defined in Company Settings.

Sales Department – The sales department that is usually connected with this product code. If there is a sales department selected here, and the user changes the product code of an item, they will be prompted if they want to change the sales department to match.

Sales Tax Exceptions – All inventory items with this product code assigned will use these exception when calculating tax on sales orders and purchase orders. When no exceptions are defined, then the inventory items are fully taxable. Create exceptions only when necessary to not calculate a tax amount for that code. When the tax code supports Partial taxes, you can assign which provinces have an exemption, and on sales orders for customers within that province, the partial tax rate is used. If an inventory item with this product code also has sales tax exceptions configured, those take precedence over what is defined here. Entering a Tax Exempt number on a customer, vendor or company can override and not calculate tax for the specified tax, regardless of sales tax exception setup.

Integrations – Related to third party add-ons. Read this for more details

User Defined – User defined fields can be added to track and/or print additional information not already available.

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