After production orders have been completed, they are not simply deleted, but instead are moved to the Production History list, where you are able to inquire or report on old orders, create a new order by copying, or reversing an order to undo the produced inventory. Production History has it’s own list that can be opened from the module list at the left or the top Production menu.

Viewing Historical Orders

To see more details about a specific order, you can either double-click the record in the grid, or highlight the record and use the View button in the toolbar to open it.

Information on historical orders cannot be edited, only viewed. The Status and Priority field information is suppressed, as these have no relevance to completed orders. You can add a new note on the Communication tab if you need to save additional information about this historical order. You can also create a new production order based on the contents of this order, either as a repeat order or to reverse it.

Copy – Create a new production order using identical components and quantities as this order. Production templates are ignored, including the default template. If this order had been requisitioned from a sales order, the customer and sales order information is cleared on the new order. Any saved lot numbers are also cleared for the new order, as are communications or phase information.

Reverse – Create a new production order using identical components as this order, and the quantities used are the negative of those on this order. Production templates are ignored, including the default template. If this order had been requisitioned from a sales order, the customer and sales order information is cleared on the new order. Any saved lot numbers are also cleared for the new order, as are communications or phase information.

Because the Save/Close button is disabled when viewing a historical order, you need to either click the X button at the top-right of the window or use the Alt-F4 keyboard shortcut to close this window.


Production History reports can be printed either from the transaction list or when editing a specific order. From the list, you can select specific or all orders to print.

Production Build – Prints the list of component items and their respective quantities and costs, used to build the specified quantity of the Manufactured inventory item.

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