Requisitions are authorization requests for purchasing or producing items, often created by staff who are not the decision-makers in what to buy and how much. Requisitions can be made from many different modules, and when approved they are included on purchase orders, with all transactions cross-referenced to each other for identification. Unless manually removed before processing, items sent to requisition stay on the list until the purchase order is closed or the production order is built.

Refresh – Reload the stored requisition list, which may have new items requested or records removed when Target orders are closed, from other users on the network.
Filters – Display a list of requisitions that meet selection criteria you create, in conjunction with the Hide Processed function. Read the Filters manual topic for more information.)
Export – Exports the current list and layout to a new Excel or .csv file.
Delete – Delete a line from list, which will be prevented if the requisition has been processed to a Purchase or Production Order.
Print – Print requisition reports such as an outstanding requisition listing.

Hide Processed – Suppress requisitions that are already on a purchase order or production order, as indicated by the Target Type and Order Number.

Process – Create a new Production Order for each highlighted manufactured item requisition, or a Purchase Order for requisitions of other item types, grouped by vendor number.

View Source – Drills down to the inventory item or sales order or production order that this requisition line original from, as indicated by the Source Type and Source Number.

View Target – Drills down to the purchase order or production order that this requisition was sent to, as indicated by the Target Type and Order Number.

Open Inventory – Opens the highlighted item in a new window to view or edit.

Find Price – If the highlighted requisition is for an item not yet processed in a Purchase Order, this will open the Vendor Prices list for this item, to assist in deciding from which vendor this item should be purchased, if multiple vendors are available to choose from.

Some information such as Required Qty and Vendor can be edited directly in the grid. Any changes are immediately saved, rather than requiring a save button to confirm the changes.

If a Requisition was created from a Sales Order, you can choose to select the Drop Ship checkbox in order to assign the Ship To address from the sales order to the Purchase Order when the requisition is processed to a new PO.


From the Requisitions list screen and the reports toolbar button, you can select one or more or all requisitions to print the Requisition List report.

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