There are multiple ways you can search for and locate item codes for adding to a sales order.
The easiest way to add an item to a sales order is to create a new detail line in the grid, either from the Add button or by clicking in the last blank row, and type the part number into the cell if it is known. If you are allowed to enter non-inventory items, this is the only way to enter that kind of item. While typing, a pop-up window will appear with up to 10 closest matches that you can select from, so you don’t have to type the entire part number.
If you don’t see the item you wish to add, you can press the F9 shortcut key while the cursor is in the Part No field to open the inventory items list window.
Any text previously entered will be used in the item search box, to restrict the list to items that match based on code, description, notes, product codes, vendors and much more. This means you can type information other than the item code into this field in order to locate the item. Filters may also be used to restrict item display. And this inventory window also editing or adding items on the fly if you have the user security settings to do so. If you edit an item on lookup, you can see everything about that item, including who has it on another sales order or what purchase orders the item is coming in on and when, even before this item is added to the order.
Once selected, the item is added to the order. If this item has no available stock on hand, and an ‘alternate’ part number is assigned to it and quantity is available, you have the choice to backorder the original item or select the alternate item instead.
If the customer has special part numbers defined, you can instead type their part number into the detail grid, and the associated Spire inventory item with the defined warehouse and unit of measure will be added to the order.
You may be able to include ‘non-inventory’ items on sales orders, if user security allows. Non-inventory items do not have records saved in the Inventory module list, and can be added by typing a part number value that does not exist in inventory. These items can be configured to be inserted if Allowed, or present a Prompt in case you may have mis-typed the part number of an inventory item.