Payroll timecards are not allowed in the new calendar year until the prior year payroll has been closed. You must perform the Payroll Year End procedure in order to start creating these new timecards, otherwise an error will appear:
Even after the payroll year end has been completed, you can still back date a payroll timecard to the previous year just in case it needs to be done. Timecards posted to the previous year will use the correct year’s tax tables.
To perform the payroll year-end make sure the following items are completed first.
- Back-up First
- Install Spire version that contains the latest payroll tables on all workstations.
- The User will require permissions set in Edit/User Settings/Perform Payroll Year End
- On the top menu, go to Payroll/Payroll Year End
Employees Payroll Earnings before Year End
Employees Payroll Earnings after Year End.
TD1 update after payroll year close
The user will be prompted to update the TD 1 amounts after the year close. They can perform this now or wait until after as below.
Run the TD1 from top Payroll menu
The user can then accept the updated percentages on the federal and provincial tabs or edit the percent or amounts if necessary. Click “apply” to update.
This is a good time to review each employees TD1 claim amounts.