If you maintain price levels for a large volume of inventory items, or are frequently required to update prices, this is possible to do not only from the Import Inventory Sell Prices tool, but also from the Sell Prices tab, by multi-selecting levels to update.

An efficient way to list price levels for selection is to use filters. Display records by the part number, product code, effective date, vendor, margin or markup, or many more choices. However you limit which price levels are listed, you can then select any or all records and use the Change Price button, to either Change Existing levels or Create New levels.

Create New – Make new records that would either have new levels or effective dates or both, along with respective prices.

Change Existing – Modify records and is mostly used for prices only, or correcting mistakes such as for effective dates or levels.

Whichever you pick, the screen that appears is effectively the same, apart from the function choice in the title bar. Modification choices appear in the top portion, and a list of record information appears in the bottom portion, based on the previous record selection.

Similar to using Change Price for a single Inventory item, you can use Markup and Margin and Percentage and Rounding features in the same way, where your choice recalculates every Sell Price in the list. You can also set the Sell Price to a specific discrete value for all price levels, in addition to determining the Price Level and Effective Date.

Remove Conflicts – When you use the Create New process, this will go through all of the selected records and ensure that only one price level per item and unit of measure is listed in the grid. The remaining records are the current prices for each item and unit of measure. Should multiple levels using the same key combination but different Effective Dates have been initially selected, this removes the potential for one record being overwritten by another during the creation process.

Some values can be modified directly in the grid, for one-off corrections to anything generated from the functions above. The Sell Price and Effective Date can be edited, as can the various Margin or Markup values which in turn recalculate the Sell Price on that row.

When you confirm these changes, the requested Change or Create process will generate the new price level information.

.h3 Video Instruction

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