Video Instruction – Adding Employees

Details Tab

Employee No – An alphanumeric code assigned to the employee.
Name – Employees full legal name.
Status – Active, Terminated or on leave. When terminated or on leave the employee cannot be added to a timecard.
Department – Select the department that the employee works in. This determines the default pay, benefits and deductions and the GL accounts that will be posted to.
Gender – Set the employees gender. Male, Female or Not Specified.
Date of Birth – Employees Date of Birth.
SIN – Employees Social Insurance Number.
Union ID – Union ID number.
Health No – Employees health number.
Language – Preferred Language.
Title – Employees title.
Tax Table – The province or territory that the employee works from. This determines the CRA deductions that are used for the employee.
Periods – The number of periods that the employee is paid for through a year.
Hire Date – Date the employee was hired.
Review Date – Date that the employee is due for a review.
Termination Date – When the employee was terminated. This can be filled in manually, however it is filled in when an ROE is processed.
Direct Deposit – Tick this if the employee is to be paid by direct deposit. The banking info below also need to be filled in if using direct deposit.
Institution- The banks institution number.
Transit – The transit or branch.
Account No – The employees bank account number.

Address Tab

Address – Employees Address.
Contacts – Each employee can have 3 extra contacts. The headings are defined in Company Settings -> Employees. Any of these contacts can be used to send timecards and T4s by email.

Amounts Tab

  • Federal Claim Amount – If you check ‘Automatic’ Spire with then automatically calculate the claim amount based on amount of pay.
  • Child Care – Amount given by the employee.
  • Alimony – Amount given by the employee.
  • Remote – Amount given by the employee.
  • Provincial TD1 Claim – Enter amount from TD1 form. Some provinces and territories base this on the amount paid, so check ‘Automatic’ if the employee’s tax table is set to one of them. Do not select ‘Automatic’ unless you know that the province supports it.
  • Tax Exempt (Claim Code E) – Check this if the employee is to have no withholdings.

Advance Balance – Amount of advance the employee currently owes.
Vacation Owed – Amount of vacation pay that the employee is currently owed.
RSP/Pension – Amount or percentage that the employee has deducted for RSPs or Pension each period. The amount will accrue in the GL account set in the employees payroll department.
Union Dues – Amount or percentage of Union dues deducted each period. The amount will accrue in the GL account set in the employees payroll department.
Additional tax deductions (TD1 page2) – Additional tax the employee has requested to have taken off each period in page 2 of their TD1 form.
Estimated pay – The employees estimated annual pay. This can be entered for a commissioned employee that has variable income per period. When the amount it entered the withholdings are evened out.
Estimated Expenses – A commissioned employees estimated expenses. This reduces their withholdings because these expenses are tax deductible.
Employer EI Rate – The rate that is paid for EI. It is usually 1.400 unless the employer has permission for a lower amount because they have a medical/disability plan.
CPP Exempt – If the employee does not pay CPP.
EI Exempt – If the employee is EI exempt. Usually owners of the company.
QPIP Exempt – Employee is QPIP exempt.
WCB rate – The employers assigned WCB rate.
WCB Assessable – The provincial WCB Assessable amount.
Vacation rate – The rate if vacation the employee is paid.
Retain Vacation- Check this if the vacation is to be retained by the employer until the employee takes vacation, requests a payout or is terminated.

Timecard Entry Codes

The timecard entry codes are those easily available to an employee when producing a timecard. All codes that are listed can be added by clicking on the “Add Pay” button. Other timecard entry codes can be added by clicking the lookup button.

By selecting the ‘Use Default’ flag, the amount will come from the payroll department, and then the main list, if they exist. If unchecked then the amount manually entered will be used.

If the ‘Automatic’ flag is set, then the line will get added to the timecard with the amounts and rates included.


These are the benefits assigned to the employee and will get added on each timecard unless it is an irregular timecard. If the ‘Use Defaults’ flag is checked, then the default amounts will come from the employees payroll department.


These are the deductions assigned to the employee and will get deducted on each timecard unless it is an irregular timecard. If the ‘Use Defaults’ flag is checked, then the default amounts will come from the employees payroll department.


This list all of the employees posted and un-posted timecards. The user can then drill into each of them to see the details.


This shows totals of the employees earnings, Withholdings, Benefits, Deductions and Net pay. The amounts in last year are what gets used for T4s.

T4 Statements

A list of each year’s T4. The user can drill into it and review and re-print them.

User Defined

The user defined fields and data for this employee.


Notes on the employee. Notes that are set as an alert will pop up every time a timecard is created for the employee.

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